My Labels

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Tugas Softskill 1 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Apa itu bahasa inggris bisnis?
Bahasa inggris bisnis adalah pengetahuan tentang komunikasi bisnis yang mempelajari atau mempraktikkan  tentang  cara menulis, membaca, mendengarkan, dan berbicara seputar bisnis menggunakan bahasa inggris. Di semester 8 di Universitas Gunadarma kami akan mempelajari mata kuliah bahasa inggris bisnis dalam bentuk soft skill. Setelah mempelajari bagaimana cara menulis, membaca, mendengarkan dan berbicara kita meringkasnya dalam bentuk tulisan yang akan kami posting melalui laman blog kami masing-masing.
Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan memberikan contoh apa saja sih yang dipelajari dalam mata kuliah bahasa inggris bisnis.
Unit satu :
Pada unit ini kita akan mempelajari tentang :
1.      Surat dalam bentuk yang baku dan tidak baku
Contoh surat dalam bentuk baku

Dear Mr. Garen,

We are delighted to know that you will be in Greece on October 19th. This is to confirm our telephone conversation. We shall meet you at Athens airport at 15.30. by coincidence our Scandinavian agent Mrs. Ludd is the same flight.
We reserved a room for you at the Grand Hotel for 19th till 20th. The heads of department will join us for dinner which has been arranged 21.00 on 20th.
In view of your other commitments endeavor to cover the complete program in one day. Here is suggested timetable.

09.30         review last year’s results
10.00         evaluate new products
10.30         determine price levels for new season
11.00         coffee
11.15         finalise promotional activities
12.15         negotiate renewal of agency contract/lunch
14.30         visit quality control
15.30         discuss long-term research and development
16.00         inspect new high-speed unit

I realize it is a very full programme, but there will be an opportunity to discuss outstanding matters in more relaxed atmosphere over dinner.
I look forward to meeting you on the 19th.

Your sincerely,
M.J Hook
Contoh surat dalam bentuk tidak baku

Dear Anna,
We are very please that you will be here with us for the session on the 20th. We can certainly pick you up at the airport at 15.30 . Quite by our Italian agent, Anthonio Banderas, of the Albani Group will be on the same flight. We have booked you both the Grand Hotel and we have laid on dinner at 21.00 for nine of us on the 20th. I know you have a tight schedule, so we try to cover everything in the one day. There will be time to tie up any loose ends over dinner.

Demikian penjelasan tentang bahasa inggris bisnis beserta contohnya, semoga bermanfaat dan sampai jumpa di sesi berikutnya…

With amazing love,

Sumber :
Beresford, Cynthia.    Business Communication Practical Written English For The Modern Business World: BBC English

Tugas softskill bahasa inggris bisnis

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